OpenTox USA 2018
North Carolina Biotechnology Center, Raleigh-Durham, NC
Event Recap: How one local chapter is helping to build OpenTox Community
Presentations: Watch the OpenTox USA 2018 playlist
Theme: Maximizing the benefits of in vitro- in silico approaches in toxicology and risk assessment in an ever-changing data landscape.
Conference Topics:
- 1. Ontologies for interoperability of data in predictive toxicology, risk, and safety assessment
- 2. Precision medicine and applications in predictive toxicology
- 3. Reproducibility of in silico analysis in predictive toxicology
- 4. Open data standards and data sharing principles for enabling predictive toxicology collaborations.
Conference Chairs:
Stephen Edwards (RTI International), Annie Jarabek (US EPA), Huixiao Hong (US FDA), Helen Pan (RTI International)
Organising Committee:
Noffisat Oki, Stephen Edwards, North Carolina OTA local Chapter members, Brendan Hardy, Barry Hardy, Thomas Exner, Rob Reedijk