OpenTox Asia Hackathon 2016
Innovation in Predictive Toxicology
Organising Committee:
Seokjoo Yoon, Jung-Hwa Oh, Tae-Hyun Yoon, Barry Hardy, Johan Nyström-Persson
Workshop Facilitators:
Live Facilitators: Barry Hardy and Johan Nyström-Persson (Douglas Connect)
Online Mentors: Ahmed Abdelaziz and Noffisat Oki (Douglas Connect)
Goal: Advancing understanding of the application of new computational methods to practical case-driven questions on the toxicology and safety of compounds. Using a case study, we will build and explore biological signatures for toxicity endpoints of interest using toxicogenomic data linked to chemical toxicities. We will also attempt to draw conclusions and generate hypotheses for further analysis or testing
Format: The Hackathon places an emphasis on learning by doing. Groups working on case study problems, formulate questions to be addressed, and then attempt to generate answers combining different datasets and modelling tools into a scientific analysis. Components will include:
• | Introduction to analysis methods and resources by workshop facilitators |
• | Opportunity to work on data analysis and discussion with peers and experts |
• | Exposure to hands-on practical exercises and analysis to develop ideas while solving problems together on case studies |
• | Presentations and discussions of results and potential next steps |