I am in my first year of M.Sc. Bioinformatics at Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies, India. I am an inquisitive minded Bioinformatics aspirant who always wanted to learn about vast reams of molecular biology data efficiently and to develop tools that aid in the analysis of such data in order to interpret the results accurately and meaningfully.
I have been working under various bioinformatics-based project works in which one of my work “Immunoinformatic based analytics on T-cell epitope from spike protein of SARS-CoV2 concerning Indian population” got accepted by two preprints, BioRxiv and Europe PMC. The rest of my works were based on Molecular Docking, Molecular Dynamic Simulation, Toxicity, and Virtual screening studies of compounds especially phytocompounds against various pathogenic protein targets are under final revision by various journals. Currently I am also working as an intern at Young Academy of India under their flagship program MentX virtual internship.
I did my bachelors in Bioinformatics with my focus on areas of computer aided drug design, phylogenetics and protein modelling. The dissertation of my bachelor thesis was “In-silico analysis on coronavirus: Molecular docking to study favourable interactions between various plant-based protease inhibitors on spike protein of COVID-19”.
It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of the OpenTox internship programme and I hope with these experiences in hand I would be able to make my maximum contributions to this community. Looking forward to working with an excellent team ahead.