Use of CEBSR API for Accessing NTP Data Collections
A selection of National Toxicology Program (NTP) data within the Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS) databases were combined into a single data warehouse (CEBSR). CEBSR houses calculated summary results for NTP histopathology, clinical pathology, organ weight, and other data types reported in NTP Technical Reports. The related study metadata, exposure information, and study conclusions are also available.
All data housed in CEBSR can be accessed publicly through the GraphQL API (Application Programming Interface). Summary data such as mean, standard error, statistical results, and NEL/LEL (No/Lowest Effect Level) for an endpoint can be retrieved and further filtered by stressor, tissue, data type, or statistical significance. NTP data and conclusions can be queried, combined, and filtered to answer targeted questions through the API. Example queries were written to demonstrate how the API can identify stressors of interest based on study findings. The LEL for clinical pathology endpoints were identified for stressors in the “Lowest Effect Level” query. Stressors returned from this query were then used to filter data in the “Histopathology Data” query to obtain all liver pathology summary data for the stressors at the same dose.
The CEBSR data warehouse and API make it easier to ask questions across NTP data. The API and database will be updated in the future to include newly-released data and more data types.