Dr. Beren Atac Wagegg is a Senior Scientist and Project Manager at TissUse GmbH. She holds a Ph.D. in Medical Biotechnology from the TU Berlin, Germany. She is an expert in tissue engineering and the development of new multi-organ-chips-based prototypes for numerous applications and worked on establishing various chip-based assays. She coordinates various projects, aiming for standardized chip-based assays. Beren Atac Wagegg joined TissUse in 2010, a company that has developed the Multi-Organ-Chip platforms. It is dedicated to advance the preclinical insight on the systemic level using human tissue to predict toxicity, ADME profiles, and efficacy in vitro, to reduce and replace laboratory animal testing.
OpenTox Virtual Conference 2023
Liver-centric multi-organ-chip approaches for safety and efficacy
In the last decade, the improvement of systems, including 3D culture models and microphysiological systems (MPS), delineated a promising route to human-relevant in vitro testing by emulating biology in single- or multi-organ systems as a basis for fit-for-purpose assays. To enhance regulatory acceptance of these advanced non-animal test systems, it is necessary to increase the scientific credibility and confidence in the data generated. Microphysiological systems (MPS) have proven to be a powerful tool for recreating human tissue- and organ-like functions. Here in this talk we will concentrate on multi-organ-chip assays with liver as the central metabolizing organ utilized for safety and efficacy testing.