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Agnes Karmaus

Dr. Agnes Karmaus is an expert in the integration of new approach methodologies (NAMs) in toxicology with over a dozen years of experience working with the Tox21 and ToxCast high-throughput screening programs. Her extensive experience in in vitro assay development, computational toxicology, and data annotation and integration, her current work seeks to integrate NAMs into actionable decision-making frameworks to support risk assessment in the agrochemical sector. Dr. Karmaus is passionate about bridging the gap between in vitro and in silico approaches in toxicology by facilitating the adoption of computational methods and helping provide context to render in vitro assay data more accessible and interpretable.

OpenTox Summer School 2024

Data Retrieval Supporting Computational Toxicology

Integrating multiple data streams to help build weight of evidence for leveraging new alternative method (NAM) data in toxicology is critical. However, identifying the appropriate resources for data retrieval, determining how to critically assess the quality of data, and establishing relevant applicable interpretation contexts can be challenging. This presentation will focus on critical thinking users should apply when retrieving “big data” or when leveraging computational toxicology tools. Summary of approaches, resources, and considerations for data review will be summarized.