OpenTox Garuda Platform
OpenTox Garuda Gadgets
Garuda was used to design and build the TG-GATES OpenTox service on the Garuda gateway. The service benefits the community as a research platform, while enabling the development of consulting services based on Garuda for providing unique and customized solutions for EdelweissConnect and their partners and customers. Edelweiss Connect, together with its partner SBX are developing OpenTox Garuda Gadgets to provide access to multiple sources of toxicology data socialized to systems biology and bioinformatics applications. Garuda is a connectivity and automation platform for various tools and applications (called Gadgets) developed by The Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo with custom services provided by SBX Corporation, Tokyo.
The platform hosts an array of gadgets with diverse GUIs and functionalities on a connective platform. Garuda aims to be “the way biology connects”. Garuda has both a community edition with options for customized gadgets for commercial use and is being used both in academia and industry. Edelweiss Connect is working together with SBX as a strategic partner to add OpenTox data gadgets to Garuda. This will allow data from OpenTox APIs to be accessed and analyzed through a diverse set of Garuda gadgets.