Dr Marc AUDEBERT (M), PhD in Life Sciences and Toxicology, is currently Research Director at INRAE Toxalim. He is part of the “Metabolism and Xenobiotics” (MeX) team, which gained international recognition in the field of metabolic and genotoxicity studies. He is involved in OECD test guideline development for genotoxicity testing for France. MA skills in different scientific domains: genotoxicity, cell and molecular biology, DNA repair, carcinogenesis, cell signalling. His current research focuses on a novel genotoxicity assay based on the quantification of histone H2AX/H3 phosphorylation, with simultaneous examination of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of xenobiotics on human cells. Using this assay, he successfully evaluated the genotoxic potential and metabolism of several groups of food contaminants, using single compounds as well as mixture. He has coordinated or participated to several projects contributing to establish the scientific basis for predicting and assessing the genotoxic effects of chemicals withe NAMs. MA is board member of the French-Society of genetic toxicology and European Environmental Mutagen and Genomics Society since 2010.