30July Safe Sharing of Safety Studies – Procedures and Benefits Online Meeting Room Thomas Steger Hartmann (Bayer)
11June OpenTox Webinar: Harnessing the power of novel animal‑free test methods for the development of COVID‑19 drugs and vaccines Online Meeting Room This virtual meeting will include a perspective by Thomas Hartung (Director Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT).
21September OpenTox 2020 Virtual Conference Virtual Conference Room The OpenTox 2020 Conference activity will take place online 21 - 25 September
13February OpenTox Webinar: Hazard assessment of respiratory irritants and sensitizers Online Meeting Room Elisa Moschini (LIST)
23January OpenTox Webinar: AOPs current trends and developments as exemplified by case studies Online Meeting Room Tatyana Doktorova (Edelweiss Connect)
9January OpenTox Webinar: Trust in cloud-based Safety Assessment Online Meeting Room Daniel Burgwinkel (KRM Competence Center)
16January OpenTox Webinar: Fish cell lines of rainbow trout as alternatives to fish in environmental risk assessment Online Meeting Room Melanie Fischer (Eawag)
19December OpenTox Webinar: Occupational risk assessment and novel approaches Online Meeting Room Michael Riediker (Founding Director, SCOEH)
29October OpenTox Euro 2019 Technologiepark Basel, Hochbergerstrasse 60C, 4057 Basel, Switzerland Technologiepark Basel, in Basel Switzerland.
1March OpenTox Asia 2019 Indian Institute of Chemical Technology in Hyderabad, India Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India