To be held by GoToWebinar 17 February 2023, 15-17 CET (9 am New York, 11 pm Tokyo, 730pm New Delhi)
To be held by GoToWebinar 17 February 2023, 15-17 CET (9 am New York, 11 pm Tokyo, 730pm New Delhi)
Type of position - Part Time
The OpenTox Secretariat is a part-time position dedicated to the organisation and support of OpenTox activities including membership and event activity management and support of the President and steering committee in the operational aspects of the association. Responsibilities include:
To be held by GoToWebinar 25 March 2021, 16-17.30 CET (i.e., starting at 11 am New York, 3 pm London, 4 pm Zurich, 8.30 pm New Delhi, 12 am Tokyo)